Boundaryless business

Growth in a world without limits.

revenue generation

digital channels

customer engagement


Our Mission

Growth is the greatest challenge ever faced by any business today. How on Earth do a business grow in a world where value is constantly eroded by constant change.

Customers today enjoy an over-abundance of choice and loyalties are fickle and tenuous. The proliferation of digital channels have led to a dilution of value where businesses are in an endless race just to stay in place. Technology has led to a vicious cycle where it becomes a mere price of entry - instead of the lofty transformative power it promised.

We help our clients discover and develop new strategic routes to growth. Confidently break through boundaries today.

Stars never go dark. They merely slumber.

Where stars shine*

Our Benefits

Digital Opportunities

Digital revenue is now an important source of top-line growth.

Decisively invest and guard these channels as they represent your best opportunities today.

Meaningful Engagement

Rapidly identify revenue opportunities as your customers interact with your business.

Timing, presentation and genuine personalization are critical qualities to standout with customers today.

Smarter Revenues

Offer today's savvy customers honest yet, smart pricing.

Protect your hard-won revenues from customer churn and defection. Keep your customers motivated and happy to continue buying from you.


Horizon is a set of API-enabled software tools developed by Starkle to enhance your digital strategy. Horizon is designed to scale across your digital channels and we are continuously improving on how it can help businesses scale.



SYNAPSE is a rules-based engine that enables data-driven, scalable and customizable pricing models based on real-time market intelligence. React quickly and effectively to events for a competitive advantage.



FLARE enhances your strategy through a more thorough understanding of how, when and why customers spend the way with you. Conceptualize and deliver nice surprises such as bespoke pricing, secret promotions and bonus items.

Our Founder


Edward Kok 

Managing Director / Software Architect

Fascinated with digital channels and collaborating on new business strategies designed to drive consumption and market relevance. Lived a life dedicated to breaking through boundaries.

Get In Touch

The Future is Waiting for You

20 Collyer Quay
Singapore 049319
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